Tuesday, October 6, 2020

and, just to be clear - it is actually true that in most age groups (which is what trump said.), covid-19 is far less concerning than the flu.

children are an especially stark contrast. the flu has a low but consistently significant death rate amongst otherwise healthy children. covid-19 has killed almost nobody under the age of 12 (in fact, almost nobody under the age of 40) that doesn't have a pre-existing condition. if you're a parent, the flu is a far greater concern to the well-being of your child.

serious flu epidemics - like the one in 1918 - even kill a significant number of healthy adults, and covid-19 has almost no effect on that demographic, at all.

the difference is in older adults, and especially older adults with health complications, where the death rate seems to be marginally, but not substantively, higher. 

so, what trump posted was factually correct and twitter should get three pinocchios or a pile of baloney or whatever else for arguing it was "disinformation" and taking it down.