Monday, November 23, 2020

see, something like this is fine.

it's one thing to test you. and, i'm generally in favour of bilingualism as a principle, and fine with passing laws requiring bilingualism as a job skill. but, what the caq wants to do (and all parties are supporting, it seems) is stamp out bilingualism in quebec (and in montreal, specifically) and replace it with rules that demand you must speak in french.

it's one thing to insist that workers can speak french, if they're asked to. that's a fairly liberal requirement, so long as people are then given the right to decide what language they choose to speak in.

it's another to demand that you must speak in french. that is not liberal at all - that is nazism.

and, they all supported it. 

all of them.

see, something like this is fine.

it's one thing to test you. and, i'm generally in favour of bilingualism as a principle, and fine with passing laws requiring bilingualism as a job skill. but, what the caq wants to do (and all parties are supporting, it seems) is stamp out bilingualism in quebec (and in montreal, specifically) and replace it with rules that demand you must speak in french.

it's one thing to insist that workers can speak french, if they're asked to. that's a fairly liberal requirement, so long as people are then given the right to decide what language they choose to speak in.

it's another to demand that you must speak in french. that is not liberal at all - that is nazism.

and, they all supported it. 

all of them.