Wednesday, December 23, 2020

it seems like it's as simple as might be hoped - the silicon just binds with the aluminum and clumps up in your stomach, and prevents it from being absorbed, meaning you then shit it out, instead. great!

better yet, any silicon that gets uptaken into the body should pull some aluminum out with it, using the same reactions in the blood.

this reaction also occurs geologically; aluminum + silicon is a common composition of rocks. so, if you're worried about aluminum in your soil, you could potentially put silicon in it - it's harmless, as far as we can tell.

"as far as we can tell".

what could go wrong, right?

in fact, it seems to be a poorly understood micronutrient. i'm getting there. i wouldn't be worried about silicon and think it looks like it probably makes sense to seek at least as much silicon as aluminum in any given meal.


- fluorine is good, and potentially a mislabeled nutrient. just don't overdo it. follow the limits.
- aluminum has no use at any concentration and either makes you retarded or at least just builds up with no reason for it. it's at best useless, and at worst deadly. you should try to avoid it as much as possible. but, you can't avoid it...
- i'm still working out the best way to deal with silicon, but it seems to bind with metals in your stomach and flush them out through your anus. there doesn't appear to currently be an understood upper limit for silicon.

that's very stress relieving.
