Wednesday, December 23, 2020

that was the fact check memo that the media never got - every single one of these border policies was enacted by obama, many of them in order to uphold existing judicial precedent.

trump barely did anything at the border. like, at all.

besides the travel ban, he tried to reinterpret some precedents regarding child separation. i am not an opponent of child separation - i uphold the existing judicial precedent, which argues that the best interests of the child should be upheld, especially when that means separation. despite what some advocates think, there's currently no legal precedent that argues that taking children out of jail means taking their parents out of jail, too - and i don't think there should be one, either. you can't be encouraging people to get arrested with their kids, like that.

on top of that, when somebody shows up at the border homeless, you don't need a detailed debate to realize their kids should end up in foster homes, and it's been very frustrating to argue with people that don't see the obvious logic in that.

what trump actually tried to do was flip the situation around - he put the kids back in jail to try to speed up the deportation process. and, in the end, the court forced him to knock it off.

that and the travel ban are the only things trump actually did that in any remote way differed from obama, as far as i know and can tell.