Friday, December 18, 2020

it seems to me that matt stoller is fake.

it's perhaps worthwhile to point out that the region that aoc represents is a gentrified and very upper class part of new york, and the people that live there don't just have access to health care, but to world class healthcare. that was, after all, the reason she opposed amazon relocating there - it would have brought too many low income workers into an upper class enclave, and the constituents didn't want that. that fundamental truth is worth remembering as you struggle to understand why she consistently represents upper class interests; she knows who elected her.

i've tried to be agnostic about these kids, because the fact of the matter is that they've never done anything worthwhile. ilhan omar is a vicious racist and should be thrown out of everything there is for it, but the other three are just rookie congresspeople starting off in new jobs. it's flat out delusional to place any sort of hope or aspirations on people with no political records or experience, whatsoever. if i was voting directly in their various jurisdictions, i'd have probably voted for a more experienced candidate with a stronger record, if there was one on the ticket. but, as it is, you really have no grounds to expect anything from any of them at all except very steep learning curves and training wheels for the forseeable future.

nobody knows who aoc is or what she will be in the end - not even her. disappointment in fantasy projections is just delusion.

in the long run, if you want to insist on this sort of messianic politics, you need to pick people from more working class jurisdictions to be your flag-bearers - not people whose job is literally to be spokespeople for the high bourgeoisie in the wealthiest parts of new york city.

in the short run, skepticism is the only rational approach towards politicians that have no background or record in which to judge them.

...and, the frustrating thing is that you idiots should have learned this after you got conned by obama - you need to look at records, not rhetoric. and, if no record exists, tell them to build one first and come back. the united states congress shouldn't be an entry-level position straight out of school.


no, jimmy, you're not her base. you can't vote for her at all.

her base are the people in her district - and go look up who they are. it'll make sense real quick.