Friday, December 25, 2020

no, on third thought, i'm going to stick with the three meals for now.

the reason is that i'm likely to isolate the salad from the eggs in terms of most of the water soluble components, even if i end up removing the pasta and a lot of the rest of it in the end. so, even though i'm likely going back to two meals in the end, the second will be two courses (salad & eggs) with a different analysis and requirements on specific items. and, i'd like to largely keep the breakdown for fat soluble items that i have, reducing the combination approach to water soluble items.

so, i'm still going to likely end up removing items from the pasta bowl over time to convert it into an appetizer for the eggs, but i'm going to keep the chart how it is for now.

and, that gives me some time to continue struggling to keep up as well.

i'm going to do some experiments with the other two meals as i continue to fill out the breakfast chart and i should hopefully have a better idea on what can come up or down when i do. i think i can move to less carrots flat out. i'm going to start eating twice a day, functionally. pasta may in the end actually come up, as beets come down. etc.

phosphorus should be relatively quick; i should have something up soon.

i don't celebrate christian holidays (i missed the solstice due to a migraine :(....) and should be in and working on this all weekend.