Friday, December 25, 2020

progressives are predictably at his neck, already, and it's pretty transparent - it's reflective of the overwhelming levels of anti-gay prejudice in the progressive movement, which is something that appears to be getting worse on a year-by-year basis. they're just blinded by hate. i wouldn't expect them to stop any time soon, and all i can say is that it exposes them for who and what they are and always have been.

but, his climate plan was one of the better ones, and he has the kind of capitalist mentality that is...

listen, we're running out of time on this. while long-term, sustainable changes are going to require a worker's movement, there's none in sight. so, we're forced to rely on capital, if we want this done....and there is, in truth, a lot of money to be made doing it. that's fine - he has the contacts required to grease the wheels, and that's what we need to get this moving, not empty progressive moralizing about his sexuality or his business background.