Tuesday, December 22, 2020

there's still people arguing that aluminum is harmless, too.

the science is pretty clear, at this point - it's dangerous, at some level, and that level is much lower than we used to think, even if we're still working out bounds.

they used to eat mercury - they thought it was a medicine, and an immortality potion. i'm not joking: smart, powerful people at one point used to eat mercury thinking it would give them immortality. the logic was that it had unusual properties, and those unusual properties were tied into this mysticism that existed around magnets, electricity, rocks...

and, it wasn't that long ago that people would laugh at you if you tried to tell them lead was poisonous, too.

again: there's no upside to aluminium, and it's clearly dangerous in some quantity. there's no value in ignoring that, except laziness.