Saturday, January 30, 2021

i have never paid for cable tv in my adult life, and i've spent most of it without a television set in my living space at all. i used to watch some tv when i was a kid, but that ceased almost totally in the late 90s - and that is easy to deduce by my cultural references, which are to things like seinfeld and the simpsons, which i understand, and not to things like curb your enthusiasm and the office, or even south park, which i've never seen a single episode of, except at bars or half awake at friends houses.

i simply don't watch television and haven't for half of my life, at this point - and for essentially this entire century.

so, when you talk to me about tucker carlson, i think of this young jerk on cnn who often appeared on gretchen carlson greta van susteran and, yes - seemed to be hiding something. i've never seen his show in more than five minute internet clips for research purposes. i've deduced that he's quite bright (unlike many of his contemporaries), but borderline evil.

nor have i ever watched rachel maddow for more than a few minutes at a time, for research purposes. msnbc is actually kind of heavy on restricted access due to property rights, in canada. i've deduced that she's obviously a cia agent - and i'm not just saying that. rachel maddow is obviously a deep state intelligence operative.

you can see what i actually watch relatively easily because i post it here or comment on it. and, i only bother when i'm eating.

but, i get the general direction that these things are moving in and need to ask a legitimate question, one that maybe only somebody that's as distant from the discourse as i am could possibly formulate:

is the contemporary mainstream liberal press legitimately so unappealing to actual political leftists, that demagogues in right-wing media legitimately are more representative of a genuine left than they are? as an honest libertarian socialist, or left marxist, or whatever you want to call it, must i admit that i really am closer to tucker carlson on the spectrum than i am to rachel maddow? and what does that imply for the legitimate left moving forwards?

but, i am out of your spectrum, and that's all i've ever said for years, now. 

where do i get this stuff from, then?

i'm an independent thinker, believe it or not. i post my sources when it's reasonable to do so, but much of the analysis here comes from nowhere but my own mind. i'm an analytical thinker, but i'm also an artist, a creative type, and that shouldn't be surprising.

and, if i'm confounding you that's fine - it means i'm doing this right.

please approach my arguments for what they are, rather than attempt to categorize me into a misleading corner. that won't pan out in the end, it'll just make you look stupid. trust me.