Tuesday, February 23, 2021

but, we need more censorship to fight right-wing extremism.

ugh. you idiots. you walked right the fuck into it.

and, you'll be the first to go.

remember: the party of competent fascism is the democrats.

what do i think about this theory?

i think paul seems to be drawing attention to something that is curious, but i also think that the real power actually got what they wanted, which was to get rid of trump. we have a tendency to grasp on to these monolithic narratives on the left, about "the elite" while forgetting that the elite has factions. paul seem to eventually get the point right after playing with hypotheticals for a while.

i think there's some danger in looking into this too carefully; paul is arguing against censorship of a report that would have the outcome of him getting censored, if it were to be acted upon in any serious way. it's a non-story, in my estimation.