Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Mikey Schilling
Jessica Murray is a disinformation agent and probably a bot account. Screaming about China on a video that has nothing to do with China, lmao.

so, i accuse them of propaganda, and they just repeat the accusation back at me.

the fact that you think this has nothing to do with china indicates that the propaganda has been effective.

Mikey Schilling
kisses. Have fun with WWIII. Hope Biden sees this.

it's quite baffling how people will make stupid assumptions of binary political alignment based on ignorant media framing. my recent posts have both denounced this as chinese propaganda, and attacked the canadian parliament for politically denouncing the uighur "genocide". what side do you think i'm on, here? i'll tell you clearly - i'm an anarchist, and i align with the underclass, everywhere, the lumpen, the slaves, the dispossessed...

but, what are we to do about china?

the chinese are an aggressive, expansionist, imperialist, colonialist and hypercapitalist empire. they're just like us. history teaches us that conflict in these situations is difficult, but not impossible, to avoid. if we are to avoid conflict how are we to do it?

and, we must rely on the fact that the chinese are at least rational.

if we do not project strength, they will attack us and reduce us to their slaves, if they don't just eliminate us for lebensraum, as they invade and extract our resources. some form of defense is consequently required for peace. but, we must also be flexible in recognizing that we are currently infringing in their historical civilizational sphere, and be reasonable in pulling back somewhat - albeit not for a reasonable exchange.

the intent of these mechanisms is to prevent war, and not to advance it. let us hope we don't get so far gone as to rely on mutually assured destruction, but we have to jam up the board if we want to stop them from acting.

and, if biden is relying on me for advice, that's a sad reflection on the quality of the people around him.

Mikey Schilling
I'd much rather live under Chinese rule at this point. Anarchists don't want to protect the US State, or any state for that matter. Sounds like you're an AnCap and that's not real. Bye bye.

no, i'm not an ancap, nor would any ancap identify with the lumpenproletariat or the dispossessed. you fucking idiot.

but, let's hope you're first in line for the slaughter when it happens. it'll be good for the gene pool...