Friday, February 12, 2021

if i thought there was even an infinitesimal chance that a god exists, i would accept pascal's wager and try to figure out some kind of.....i dunno. some kind of deism or something, i guess. i mean, it doesn't help us understand the nature of god - it provides no information as to which religion is correct, if any of them are at all. it could be that the god that exists is even satan. so, while the argument is admittedly shrouded in christian theology, it's not necessary to default to christianity - so long as your system of thought accepts the concept of a soul (and indian and greek religion both did and do, too), you can use pascal's wager in some modified sense. and, to be consistent, pascal would no doubt argue that you can't reasonably determine which one of these systems is the right one to follow, if any of them are at all.

but, if i thought there was a non-zero probability, i'd have to give in.

i don't. 

let x be the event that god exists.

p(x) = 0.