Sunday, February 21, 2021

so, i don't want to take cyclosporin or any type of anticonvulsant (well, what if it works, right? but i don't want to shut off my t-cells, especially not in a pandemic) and calcium channel blockers strike me as dangerous, given my low blood pressure and general fit health.

further, the mechanism for the anticonvulsants seems to have to do with folate deficiency. that is, gingival enlargement may be caused by folate deficiency.

my folate intake levels are pushing the maximum daily safe amounts.

so, if folate deficiency causes gingival overgrowth, does that mean the excess folate can lead to gum recession? chemistry isn't logical - that's the foundational observation defining modern science. so, i can't and shouldn't make that deduction. but, what do experiments suggest about excess folate on gum health?

decreasing my folic acid intake is something i could do with minimal effort.