Tuesday, March 9, 2021

so, i got some eggs this morning and crashed half way through eating them, took a nap, was up in the afternoon, spent a while cleaning myself and made it to the blood lab at the nick of time, at just before 18:00. i'll do a write-up soon, but my blood test results came in very fast.

my estrogen levels seem to be ok. my cholesterol is absurdly low, as always. my glucose is in normal reference ranges, but i remain concerned that it keeps coming in at over 5 on fasting - it's at the high end of reference ranges, which is a little out of balance given that everything else is low. 

but, i'm apparently dangerously anemic - or that's what it looks like on first glance. but, while a number of 12 ug/ml may be dangerous for men, it's not that unusual, if definitely on the low end, for women. my rbc counts are pegged as low....for men. they're not that off, for women.

so, i'll need to have a talk at my appointment on friday, but i'm not sure what the right reaction is. how should i be measuring this, given that i've been estrogen dominant for my entire adult life?

i clearly get a large amount of iron in my diet - if it's too low, i'm just not absorbing it, which means what? internal bleeding? what?

while i get frequently annoyed by people smoking, i don't otherwise think i have the symptoms of anemia. but, both my father and his mother were always very concerned that i might develop some level of anemia, like they were concerned about something genetic. if it was ever explained to me, i've forgotten.

i'm surprised by this - my b12 levels are extremely high. i'm absorbing that. if i'm not absorbing iron, it's not anything i'm doing wrong, it's something broken in my instruction set. and, i guess we'll have to have a talk about this.

that said, these results can be finnicky as well, and i'm going to request a second test to confirm it before i react.