Monday, March 22, 2021

so, i just did the dishes this morning, instead.

i was going to get my iron tested tomorrow morning but decided i should wait until i'm eating steady for about a week. i skip meals all of the time - i don't want to do that this week, i need to make sure i'm getting as much iron as i can, to see if i can absorb it or not. so, i want as good a reading as i can get and i should wait until early next week. 

that means i'm inside for the next week and i'm just shifting back to the blogging section until thursday. this weekend wasn't what i hoped for, but at least all of that stuff is now done. my bed is clean, and i won't be scrubbing any floors for a while, so i should get back to normal showering cycles, as well.

i just hope i've managed to block the drugs out of this space.

where was i?

- i was going through from sept 24th, 2018 ----> now and rebuilding the four blogs, along with several side documents at one drive.
- but, i wanted to go through and understand what files may have been removed, if any. so, i rewound back to early 2018 and was reading through them, forwards.
- i decided i can probably build the dtk blog up as i do that. at least.
- but i needed to go back and reread the components i added to each of the vlogs to understand what should and shouldn't be added. <-----done travel & music but still need to do dtk properly from nov/2019