Thursday, March 25, 2021

somehow, i feel that the kind of person that wouldn't rape somebody - of either gender - if given the opportunity would be a shitty soldier, and we'd end up collapsing like the romans as a result of a military based on some christian code of ethics.

the military needs to be full of people that don't care much about morals or ethics - or any concept of honour of any sort of all.

and, i don't understand why any female-identifying person would want to pick up a gun and join the military, either. it's just baffling to me. but, let me tell you - these advancing armies aren't going to keep it in their pants, and if you can't defend yourself against a rapist at home, you're not going to defend yourself against one on the battlefield, either.

i haven't said much about this because i don't actually care. let the fuckers die...

...but, fighting sexual harassment in the military (lol.) is really just another example of how the liberals have become the stupid party.