Thursday, March 25, 2021

what's really going on with this government is a kind of dunning-kruger effect, where you have a lot of uneducated and inexperienced people working in and around the pmo that think they're smarter than everybody else, despite having almost no meaningful education in much of anything except public relations.

i found and read these white papers, but they couldn't be bothered. and, if you actually sat these people down and got them to explain why they didn't do their homework, the answers you'd get would leave you baffled.

this is the stupid party in canadian politics, and the result of putting them in charge of something like this was predictable: they ignored the experts and winged everything, then pretended there weren't any existing guidelines to follow in the first place. 

what we really need is for the liberal party to realize it's been taken over by a cabal of buffoons and purge itself of the stupidity, before biden puts the conservatives in power out of disgust.