Thursday, April 1, 2021

if christianity is really completely dead and irrelevant at this point, it may be fun to switch sides in an ironic sort of sense. i mean, it might be the pro-christian imagery that is more offensive than the mockery, nowadays. but, wouldn't christianity be more fun if it was resurrected as a queer vampire cult, anyways?

to begin with, jesus was obviously incredibly gay. floating around with 12 guys like that. they probably made it all up, but c'mon. obviously gay...

and, the early church probably was more like a zombie death cult than this conservative catastrophe it's become. it was all about mystery festivals and drunken orgies - a much better time. clearly.

there's some potential here to salvage christianity, then, as a kind of a hedonistic, queer, zombie cult.

but i'll probably have better things to do.