Tuesday, April 20, 2021

so, i sat down yesterday morning and tried to figure out when i first put this hard drive away, and then wondered if i could rebuild the logic around it and then realized that i didn't seem to have a record of posts after june 19, 2020 up until the end of july, 2020 for some reason. no archive. at all. 

that said, i have some posts dated to late july that correctly count the number of posts in july. i also have a backup archive in my email dated to nov 11, 2020.

now, that date is important to take note of because it was the day that my youtube account was temporarily suspended. so, i backed up my blog as a precautionary step.

i've spent the last 24 hours cross-referencing that backup with the posts and with my email and, once again, i can't find any missing posts. but, the backup was taken after my site was suspended.

it's just very, very weird to me that i don't have any record of anything between june 19, 2020 and july 29, 2020, even if i'm pretty sure that nothing is missing for july (and i have it backed up to november, 2020, now). i was definitely backing up posts over may and over the first part of june. i seem to have stopped for an unclear reason, when i got back from my bike ride to leamington.

oddly, posts are uncharacteristically low over the last part of june, as well.

that was also the week i bought a quarter, which is a naturalistic explanation - i was posting less because i was stoned. but, that doesn't seem quite right, either. and, surely i would have tried to catch up, right?

so, if they were going to delete posts, what would they delete posts about? my reaction to the pandemic? posts that could be misconstrued as being pro-trump (i was never such a thing...)? conspiracy theories?

no - none of that seems to be missing.

it took me some time to figure it out, but it seems to be a post i made to the fox news site suggesting that the russiagate scandal was a cia plot that got my account temporarily suspended. and, if anything is missing near the end of june, 2020 and the start of july, 2020 it would appear to be posts about the we scandal, where i suggested that it was obvious that the whole thing was obviously a money laundering scam.

here's the daunting thing about this: it's not just posts that might be missing, it's email archives of those posts. the email archives exist to document the posts. that's the point. so, when i go into my email and notice that there's no archives at all for over a month...

it helps me answer the question: who is harassing me? who's responsible for all of this cyber-harassment i'm dealing with?

it might be the pmo, or some canadian enforcement agency acting under the guidance of it. the americans wouldn't care about that.