Friday, May 7, 2021

so, i'll need to figure that out when i get there. for now, i don't want to get bogged down in this....

the spinach has been replaced with the kale in the chart, but i'll need to eat through the spinach before that gets fixed, and...

gah. let me add up potassium.


water - 1.0075 mg
eggs - 419.4 mg
cheese - 60 mg
margarine - ?
bread - 200 mg
yeast - 213.75 mg
garlic - 12 mg
grapefruit juice - 180 mg
apple juice - 250 mg
1.0075 + 419.4 + 60 + 200 + 213.75 + 180 + 250 = 1324.1575

kale - 67 mg
red peppers - 210 mg
tomatoes - 216 mg
soy milk - 270 mg
hemp seeds - 110 mg
paprika - 398 mg
oregano - 150 mg
67 + 210 + 216 + 270 + 110 + 398 + 150 = 1421 mg

(1324 + 1421)/4700 = 58 > 40

so, there's minimal concern about potassium, after all.

that means i ought to focus on quinoa, which i was considering looking at anyways. quinoa blows all of these away for betaine, is gluten-free and has more protein than wheat. so, i'm going to add quinoa to the chart.

as mentioned repeatedly, i don't think i have celiac disease, but replacing the all bran with quinoa is one way out of it if it turns out i do, after i've done all of the tests.

for now, i'll eat the spinach separately, maybe even when i'm making the salad.