Saturday, June 26, 2021

and, no, i don't have any symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, and nobody has ever suggested that i do.

- i was a shy child
- i was a passive child

in fact, they sent me to karate to try to toughen me up.

- i'm also a shy, passive adult. if anything, i have distinct problems with an inability to be assertive, and an inability to get angry when i need to be.

- i was a gifted child in elementary school
- i passed a test to skip grade 4, but the principal cancelled it due to staffing issues
- i have degrees in mathematics, computer science and law

i have never been diagnosed with a learning disability, and nobody has ever suggested or suspected that i might have one.

i am particularly disinterested in people, which might place me into some kind of high-functioning asperger's category. i'd accept something like that. but, these kinds of mutations underlying autism are actually legitimately random and can't be assigned to any particular cause. there's actually no specific reason that people are born on the autism spectrum - it's literally completely random, bullshit luck.

so, i mean, people can say stupid things if they want. we live in a free society.  i'd be happy to sue them for defamation, if such things were to be made aware to me. but, it's more important to me that we look at the facts, and the facts are that such claims are without any factual - or any logical - basis.

if you honestly think i'm retarded, it suggests that you're probably not so bright, yourself.