Tuesday, June 15, 2021

i used to post at the cbc all of the time, until they started moderating out any kind of critical analysis. if the claim is that the comments on social media reflect a poor discourse, i'm going to flip this over on it's head - rather, it's the overbearing censorship by "journalists" and "editors" at places like the cbc that are stifling the discourse, and eliminating any kind of critical voices. this idea that blacks and women are under attack is just a transparent, bullshit excuse.

the heavy-handed, right-wing censorship at institutions like the cbc is a big part of the reason why i set this site up, instead - by restricting the spectrum to a small number of concerns that are of interest to conservative readers (and the "center-left", which is just another term for "conservative"), they're completely butchering the discourse.

so, in a sense my response is "good riddance", because it will force people away from the comment section and towards sites like this, that are not nearly as censored.

and, i will continue to post analyses of cbc articles in this space; if they don't like it, they can

1. fuck off.
2. cry in the corner and
3. promptly kill themselves, immediately.