Tuesday, June 15, 2021

when people talk about a "free press", that doesn't mean the freedom of the government to post memos and ensure they're not criticized in public (and then speciously accuse anybody criticizing them of being misogynists and/or racists).

what 'freedom of the press" means is the ability of citizens to criticize media and government in independent publications - which is the thing they're trying to shut down.

we live in the era of orwell, where everything means the opposite of what is intended - where marxists oppose political rights theory, and freedom of the press means you can't comment on articles in public. it's just yet another example of it. and they're everywhere - it's ubiquitous. and, like orwell suggested, you both see it in front of you and don't understand it, and yet do.

but, the trick was that they owned the platform, right?

real freedom of the press is less tied into commenting systems where they own the space and more means that a blog like this (which is still on the google servers...) can't get shut down, or at least not via government dictate. 

it's something to take note of, and it restricts the spirit of press freedom, but it's not a technical rights violation and we need to stand by and take note of it rather than react directly.

but, don't let them shut you down - start a blog like i have, instead. follow my lead, here...