Tuesday, October 8, 2024

it's really not up for me to pontificate on the memory of the terrorist attack on oct 7th. i'm not jewish.

(i did a dna test and it pulled out about 2% jewish dna, which appears to be from a jewish migrant to philadelphia in the 18th century that is in my mother's distant ancestry. nobody on my mother's side of the family even knows that and they wouldn't accept it if i tried to explain it to them. ironically, my mother and her sisters do have slightly jewish features and it is obvious once it's pointed out. i actually don't at all.)

i will say though that the anti-semitic mobs defacing jewish community centres and other jewish institutions are a serious developing problem that we need to address collectively as a culture and as a society. 

in canada, this is what hate crime legislation was passed to address, and i would hope that charges are laid appropriately.