Wednesday, July 31, 2013

RE: Coat

From: "Jessica Murray" <>
To: stepmother’s email address

i would, however, like to know if my father left a will. if he did, i'd like to see it.

i understand that most of the wealth in the union was yours, and i don't want to take things that don't belong to me. certainly, $400 a month would eventually exceed his contributions altogether, let alone whatever he may have decided to put aside for me - i understood immediately that this was not a sustainable agreement and that it would eventually run out. however, i feel like he was trying to set something up that day in the bedroom, and that the agreement we came to was very important to him. he wanted to ensure i was taken care of because he's come to understand that i'm not fully capable of taking care of myself. notwithstanding the money that you did wire, which i appreciate, i'm a little disappointed that you decided to renege on the deal so quickly after his passing. i didn't think it would continue forever, but i thought it would be more than four months.

in truth, i'm just a little bit confused as to what he directed should happen and would like to take a look at his instructions myself.

...and i'd like to see you try to remove me from my father's funeral.

you're going to need a fucking army, or a lot of sedatives. i'll start throwing punches before i get led out. and i'll knock the fucking door down if you try and lock me out...

so, don't even fucking think about it.
