Sunday, December 15, 2013


food & retail workers are no more revolutionary than factory workers. there's a large potential for reform in organizing them, but they are ultimately not opposed to the interests of capital but aligned with it. let's fast forward slightly to malatesta for an understanding of that.

i don't want to give off the wrong idea. i think factories and retail sectors should both be run on vaguely syndicalist principles.

but, a nihilistic worker revolt with a threat of fascist overtones? any kind of worker revolt at all? hilarious...

if you're worried about rising fascism at a grassroots level, i'd be more concerned about completely co-opted organizations like moveon - and totally controlled movements like the tea party.

(fascism is always pushed down by the "ineffectual liberals" to prevent socialism, and has never been this sort of uprising of the unwashed. once again, hedges is hiding behind a wall of socialist (and now anarchist) rhetoric while he upholds wildly inaccurate liberal propaganda.)

it's basic fear-mongering. so, who is he working for?

(link apparently lost)