Sunday, December 15, 2013

yeah. i tried to point this out.

people are comparing baby trudeau to his father in 1967. but, if you were 30 in 1967 you're currently probably dead or close to it. we should be thinking about trudeau in 1984; people that are 50-60 now were 20-30 then. this is where the real nostalgic voting power exists.

of course, trudeau in 1984 was the guy that lost quebec to mulroney after pissing everybody off by plowing through an unpopular constitution a few years after putting the province under martial law. he's also the person that pissed off the west with the nap.

even with all that, mulroney won precisely because he swung the boomer vote in ontario.

there was a time, under dion, when i thought the liberal party was worth supporting as a lesser evil. i don't think that's the case any more.

but it's really painful to watch them repeatedly make just flat out stupid tactical decisions. not *just* stupid tactical decisions, either. *obviously* stupid tactical decisions.