Thursday, January 23, 2014

a deconstruction of alcoholics anonymous

Jessica Amber Murray
i saw your AA post. i know you're going there because you're looking for help and maybe because it helped in the past. but i also know that AA is sort of a cult that preys on the weak and that their programs are not empirically confirmed. i have a bit of an axe to grind with organizations that prey on the weak while not passing basic tests of science. and i think you know that that is what AA is, too. i just want to point out that there are secular alternatives to AA. obviously, i can't comment on what kind of people they attract. but i think it's worth drawing your attention to. good luck on how you choose to approach this...

I know...I hear you...I already got some 13 stepping arse-hole that tried to add me as his friend on here. They are everywhere! ... And, I won't be adding any people from there to my friends list on here!

I just thought, I would try it out....Didn't really know for sure though, that everyone can see all...I guess everyone can though...Not much privacy at all! Although, the page does warn people of that.

I am hearing about some kind of an implant that people can have that helps with the cravings of alcohol!...Not sure it is in Canada yet...But, am going to check it out! I really do want to get out of this merry-go-round alcoholic living! I am still sober!

Jessica Amber Murray
it's because it's an "open group". facebook is kind of stupid. ....but with the dude, that's the thing. i don't know what kind of people that different groups are going to attract. but the secular groups take an empowerment approach based by empirical research rather than a cultish spirituality based approach... i've seen a few academic papers that suggest that AA is more of a problem than a solution, in the sense that it really emotionally damages people. all the deconstruction and victim blaming. they tell you it's a disease, and you're powerless to stop it, and you have to get closer to god. but that's just a cult being a cult. it's like scientology. the secular programs focus on the idea of changing lifestyles, developing (non-religious) meaning, coming to terms with things. i mean, i can't say what will work and what won't. but if you're feeling constrained or whatever by the religious aspect there are other options...

I am going to apply to places(anywhere) for a part-time job...Just want something very part-time...Don't really care where it is...Just to get me out of the house for a few hours a few days a week. I felt so much better about myself with the last little job I had.

Maybe, I could be the little old lady at the McDonald's counter serving breakfast a few mornings a week! lol

Jessica Amber Murray
yeah, i think that defining purpose is hugely important. what purpose is is another question. but i think the lack of purpose is a big factor.....

Yes, for sure! I don't have that much of a problem with the religious aspect of it...I mean, I used to...But, I just call it my higher power...Which, could mean, anything...Just something bigger than myself...A feeling even. I just take what I need and leave the rest...I learned to do this many, many years ago...And, it did work for me way back then....It is just a place to relate to others suffering as I am, so as not to feel so lonely at times.

I did learn to be grateful in the rooms of AA...If, I remember all the things I have to be grateful for... I have a much better day!

Jessica Amber Murray
well, ok. i just wanted you to be aware that there are other programs that take other approaches. and i guess what i'm thinking is that you've relapsed a lot of times over the years, so maybe you might want to try something else. but if you're confident, it's a better idea for me to be supportive than to question.

Thanks J! I just read about that implant thing....NO, it would not work for me at all! First of all, I do have hep.C, so no good...And, not liking the sound of it all anyways.

Jessica Amber Murray
that strikes me as pseudo-science, to begin with.