Thursday, February 27, 2014

the short version is that, regardless of what the people on the street actually want (which is not this), there are now officially fascists in the ukrainian cabinet and they're not likely to be easy to get rid of.

i'm thinking in my head that the mainstream conservative party is going to collapse as a result of it's support for the far right. that's often the case, just about everywhere except israel.

but it depends on the assumption that svoboda is just going to sit around and play by the rules, rather than get aggressive about the opportunity the mess provided for them.

ukraine needs to send the right message in may, if it still can.

that might even be the setup, actually. split that german pawn boxer guy off, then bury the fascists by aligning them with the status quo. that gives the eu stooge a clear path as the only party that can be voted for. see how they do this? but it might just split the right and end up with yanukovich' party winning.

i have to say that would be hilarious.