Thursday, February 27, 2014

well, i should take a step back. the nationalist groups are not currently in power. an "elected parliament" is, of which the nationalist groups represent a fringe element - both in terms of the people on the ground and the sitting mps. it might be repeated american policy to fund the most extreme factions, but they use it as a means to an end. if they can skip that and just go with the oil princess, they will.

further, it *does* make sense to think that *if* tatar groups support the central government (and the entire idea that "tatars support x" as though it's a genetic implication is pretty hollow to me) then it *could* produce a racist reaction from a fringe of white supremacist russians that share the same kind of white nationalism as the fringe ukrainian extremists. further, putin has a history of pragmatically folding to extremism, as well.

but to suggest that there's been a "tatar uprising" against a "russian-speaking" seizure of parliament isn't getting through my bullshit detectors, even if it's being reported by both sides; one may have something to gain by repeating the other's propaganda.

i don't want to further speculate, let's see what news comes in.