Sunday, May 4, 2014

a bunch of populist right-wing talking points, pompous rhetoric and targeted demographic-driven empty provinces. this is contributing to the death of the ndp, but isn't likely to rejuvenate the base.

as a basic starting point, where is a promise to *reverse* the privatization of ontario hydro? what's that? taboo? actually, run a poll, andrea. you'd be surprised. oh, you meant taboo on bay street. got it.

the last time ontario elected the ndp, it got the most right-wing government it'd seen in decades as rae jumped all over himself trying to convince the business community that he wasn't a communist plant.

i'd expect the same from horwath, who is a highly opportunistic career politician that is seeking power first and foremost.

so, i'll stick with the liberals for now, until a real alternative presents itself.