Sunday, August 23, 2015

yet another right-wing ndp leader. how's this going to turn out, do you think? more right-wing than bob rae? than roy romanow? than stephen harper?

the world had turned upside down. tom is right and steve is left. if you really want left vote steve.

Jessica Murray
the three of them are essentially indistinguishable on the economy, the environment and most other issues. but the liberals are solidly to the left of the ndp on social issues.

when you take 90% of the issues off the table by everybody agreeing with each other, marijuana policy starts to become an election driver. and that is the most cynical thing i've ever said.

A right wing NDP is still very far left from a Neo-Con Con government. That's a fact.

Jessica Murray
the fraser institute might disagree with you. they've had glowing praise for roy romanow.

the NDP daycare plan will not be a savings to most families, we have child care figured out by working different shifts, so the NDP will not save us any money. it will cost us more when they increase taxes.

Jessica Murray
the bottom line is that we've heard daycare promises before, and they don't come through because it doesn't make sense to implement it at a federal level. it's a provincial issue. that's a promise i wouldn't put much faith in.