i have to agree with the dominant opinion expressed here. we've got all kinds of important things in front of us, and you're running stories on this? for ratings?
are you going to be proud of yourself if this becomes the ballot question? and, how does that make the country look to the rest of the world?
if this is honestly galvanizing your vote, please have the presence of mind to realize that you're not informed and stay home, instead.
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well, he wouldn't be able to do that if the media didn't help him along with it. we all know how harper works, and expect certain tactics from him. but, if this is the ballot question, the media will be squarely and unambiguously to blame for it.
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a large percentage of people will allow the ballot question to be defined for them. it is the media that has insisted upon it, and will be responsible for it if it happens.
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i do get your point. and i don't exactly want to call people brainless sheep; i don't think that i need to in order to get the point across about defining a *question*. there's a thousand things on the table. but, we tend to collectively pick an issue or two and then collectively vote in that context. if the media presents the election as a referendum on wearing a scarf at a ceremony, that's what the election will be in the minds of many people.
things are getting better with the internet, but we're still bottle-necked by the media as an information source. and, things are happening in real-time. there's not a library anybody can go to to get election information. we're reliant on the filter we're presented with. all of us.