Sunday, September 20, 2015

i think it's reasonable to be extremely wary of dynastic politics. and, frankly, i wouldn't vote for trudeau solely on his own merits. but, he happens to be walking into a situation where the other two party leaders are unelectable, which makes him the best option by default.

if he wins this thing, it's neither going to be a commentary on his own abilities, nor a commentary on the abilities of his father. it's going to be the country settling back in to it's comfort point in rejecting the politics of the other two parties. and, the truth is that most people realize he's a largely ceremonial figure head, anyways. the prime minister is not meant to be like the president; when he talks about decentralizing power from the pmo and allowing cabinet more independence, that's a direction i'm in favour of.

it's one thing to not know something. there's lots of things we don't know. all of us.

what's more important is whether we pretend we know things we don't or if we have the humility and maturity to defer to others that are more capable when we know we lack the required understanding.

it's that deference that marks a capable manager - and that pretension that marks an incapable one. the truth is that we've had far too much pretension in government for far too long and could benefit from somebody that doesn't see themselves as a philosopher king.

so long as he continues to understand what he understands and what he doesn't, and knows what to defer, i think we'll be ok - in fact, better off than if we are to elect yet another narcissist that thinks they can run the country from a single office.

Maryanne Weis
Jessica... take the time out of your busy schedule to read his policies and perhaps then and only then can you see the difference between voting for Trudeau or Harper and Mulcair.

Jessica Amber Murray
well, that's the thing - i don't think he's written any of these policies, or even had much input into the process. and i'm ok with that.