Sunday, September 20, 2015

when i moved here, it didn't take me long to realize i'd walked into a space that is rather strange, politically speaking. in the ontario election, it was not that uncommon to walk by middle class houses with giant union signs next to giant conservative party signs. it sounds like a contradiction, but it rather seems to be the bedrock of the political culture. there seems to be a sort of underlying insularism in the region that i think you want to explain by a lack of education. so, you get all these people that want strong unions to improve their financial circumstances, but are in truth deeply socially conservative - like most uneducated people. the saying is that conservatives may not all be stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. this area seems to demonstrate the truth in this. what they really want is a right-wing socialist party.

i would consequently suspect that these ridings could easily swing conservative if they had a fiery populist candidate in the mould of a rob ford.