Thursday, September 10, 2015

i think you need to read the polls correctly to get to the right answer. and, it's just a libertarian position on the matter: it's the individual's choice and shouldn't be interfered with by the government.

if somebody wants to die, what right does a state have to interfere in the matter and force them to stay alive? it's an absurd position, frankly. and, it's broadly consistent with what polls say on a wide range of other issues. see, this is what the conservatives consistently screw up. canadians aren't opposed to economic regulation. we're opposed to social regulation. you know - real liberalism, not this perverted neo-liberal crap. but, they're slashing economic regulations while refusing to address social regulations. i think that mclaughlin is closer to the public perception on this than any of our political leaders are.

sure: it requires taking a step back from a certain religious persuasion. but, canadians have already done this. they're just waiting for the political system to catch up, and the supreme court has given them what they need to to do so.

the law needs to be written around ways to ensure the state is not able to interfere, not ways to reform state interference. you're going to need a contract. some witnesses. let the lawyers work that out - but it's not all that complicated, it's just a question of ensuring a public record exists of consent and can be verified before the action occurs.