Friday, October 16, 2015

so, that means there's a baseball game on election day, right?


can we sue the team for breaking the social contract? hold them liable for gross negligence? there should be some kind of rule against this. they should have to put the game off a day.

if we're lucky, it's just going to siphon out the rob ford voters. but, i hope it's not a turnout issue.

Eric Haskins's the team's fault. Grow up.

jessica murray
because politics are childish and baseball is grown up. right.

they have the option to forfeit the game - and i'd argue that this is the socially responsible thing to do. it would send a powerful message. but, perhaps more realistically, i think the league has a very strong responsibility to step in and postpone the game for 24 hours. and, i would suggest that they should be viewed in a very poor light if they decide to go ahead with it.

elections are important social events that truly matter to adults; childish and silly things like baseball games, that do not matter, should never be scheduled in a way that interferes with important social events like elections. and, i would argue quite honestly that the league and the team have some responsibility for gross negligence in distracting people from things of importance, and should be held liable for it.

it was certainly tongue in cheek, but i also did certainly mean it.

the tort doesn't actually exist. i would lose the case. i'd love to argue it, though.