Friday, October 16, 2015

lol. you old progressive conservatives, you...lost in the past. you're endorsing mulroney, guys. that was a long time ago. hopefully, the generational change in media follows the generational change in governance. it's long overdue.

wow. this struck a chord. ahaha.

again: it's easy to understand.

the media establishment in canada is run by upper class old tories that are in their 60s and 70s. old people. old money. old stock, even. they've been living in denial since the merger, just waiting for their old party to come back. and, when they vote for harper, they are not really voting for harper - they are voting for mulroney and clark and stanfield.

but, that party doesn't exist anymore.

maybe, if they go out and try really hard, they can find a way to recreate their old party, which now only exists in their own faded memories. but, this endorsement is putting the cart before the horse. and, it's only through their disconnect from reality, their projected fantasies, that they don't see how obvious that is.

if you want your pcs back, you do this:

1) you vote against the conservatives, however feels best to you. for the liberals. for the ndp. for the greens. or not at all.
2) then you get your candidate into the convention, and you get them to beat kenney. good luck on that, though - because the west of the country completely disagrees with you, and is going to support kenney.

i don't mean to be crass. i really don't. well, i'm known to be crass rather often, but i don't mean to be crass just right now.

this is a matter of an out of touch generation passing away. and, when that happens, things change - because these memories of stanfield and clark pass along with them.

then, we can get back to living in the present.

just one more reason to hope that retirement age gets pushed back to 65.

we need to get the progressive conservatives out of the media. it's really important. they don't exist. they haven't existed for a generation. we need perspectives rooted in the existing spectrum, not the spectrum of the 1980s.

kenney will win the convention on his stellar anti-abortion credentials. then, what are you going to do? keep plugging? keep hoping? keep waiting for it to turn around?

this doesn't happen.

meanwhile, the age required to remember the pcs increases. in 2019, it will be 31 years since 1988. which means, you'd need to be in your 50s to be old enough to remember voting pc.

there are not one but two generations of voters with no understanding of the term "progressive conservative" as anything beyond a bizarre oxymoron.

this past needs to be let go. most of the country has done so. the media is trailing far behind.

even if the fantasy that you can elect the conservatives and ditch harper is somehow plausible, what's in the pipeline, so to speak, is much more divisive - much more socially conservative, much more combative, much more regressive.

it's willful blindness and total delusion to see the future of the conservative party differently.

Except they do exist all over the country and would be quite willing to vote for somebody unlike Kenny.

please. it's very clear that he wins the next convention. remember: the reform party was primarily created as a response to mulroney's non-reaction to morgantaler. that's what the base is all about. it's the number one driver of donations. it's the single greatest issue that drives new tory voters. not the economy. not security. not tough on crime. abortion.

just because old tories refuse to see this, or adjust to it, doesn't mean the facts aren't as they are.

you're not going to see a moderate replacement. harper IS the moderate. or the closest thing to one...


well, my golden retriever can catch better than stanfield. i don't know who even gets that anymore, besides the globe staff.