Sunday, June 5, 2016

i just want to address the "closing stations is bad for both of them" argument.

there's a strong consistency in just about every state: clinton performs curiously well with early ballots (well enough that it should be suspicious), while sanders wins day-of voting - and sometimes by dramatic margins. according to exit polls, he actually won day-of voting in arizona.

so, it might seem reasonable to suggest that closing down polling stations hurts them equally. but, the numbers we have suggest that this is not the case.

personally, i'm extremely interested in what the discrepancy is in puerto rico. we might not get exit polls. but, if we can find a way to learn that sanders won day-of voting, it...'s desperate. that's the most honest and most altruistic way to state it. nobody expected puerto rico to be competitive. but, the results are ultimately of little consequence. this is just desperate authoritarianism - transparent image projection.