Saturday, January 14, 2017

a parliamentary system is not set up to send a figurehead around to take questions from audiences. the only people that can vote for or against the prime minister are in his riding. the people that are tasked to talk to their constituents and bring their concerns back to ottawa are the sitting members in the house. that is how the data that they want should be collected.

if i have a concern, i'm not going to call the prime minister. i'm going to call my mp. and, that's who should be doing these town halls.

so, the media narrative of "he should say this...he should say that..." he should leave the job of local representation to local representatives and go back to ottawa and govern.

when i go in to the voting area, i'm not going to remember the answers he gave at a town hall meeting. what i'm going to remember is the choices he made when governing. and, right now, he hasn't made very many choices at all - he's just answered a lot of questions.