Saturday, January 14, 2017

the great irony is that so many self-identifying american progressives that want to move to canada would quickly find themselves marginalized on the right, if they were to actually do so.

our conservative party supports single-payer health care, and refuses to discuss abortion. with the single exception of energy policy, it is monolithically to the left of the democratic party.

our "natural governing party", the liberals, is roughly in the same space on the spectrum as the american green party.

and, we have a socialist party that actually succeeded in nationalizing the oil industry for most of the 70s and part of the 80s (with a strong assist from the liberals).

to get an idea of where you'd exist in our spectrum, let's map a few well known personalities:

1) hillary clinton ----> old tory.
2) barack obama ----> old tory.
3) elizabeth warren ----> red tory, or right-wing liberal.
4) jill stein ----> centrist liberal: closest match to the prime minister.
5) ted cruz ----> reform party (albertan conservative).
6) marco rubio ----> reform party (albertan conservative).
7) donald trump ----> oldskool social credit.
8) john kerry ---> right-wing liberal.
9) bernie sanders ----> right-leaning ndp, or left-leaning liberal.
10) naomi klein ----> centrist ndp.
11) noam chomsky ---->left-leaning ndp.

you sure you think this is a good idea?

actually, it's kind of neat to put them together to really solidify the culture shock.

socreds: {trump}
tories: {clinton, obama, rubio, cruz, warren....stephen harper}
liberals: {kerry, stein.....justin trudeau}
ndp: {sanders, klein, chomsky}