Saturday, January 14, 2017

i told you from the start that you'll never get co-operation from alberta. in the great game of life, they constantly play D. when you try and cut a deal with them, they just want to take advantage of you. they're bullies; they want to fight. and, you have to take the fight right to them.

they'll complain and whine and cry about it, but the reality is that they thrive on the confrontation. it's what they want.

this is a fundamental point of tension in the country, east v west. it's never going to resolve. it is consequently not the task of eastern politicians to try and play nice, but to try and use the conflict to their advantage.

of course, you need to be careful. as is the case with quebecois nationalism, the ultimate fear is that the americans may swoop in. but, both sides can use this as leverage.

if you hand them a fig leaf, they will take it out of your hand and stomp on it. so, we need to stop doing it.