there's an easy way to check if m-103 is a threat to your freedom of expression, or if you're being taken in by right-wing demagogues, and that is to test it out by insulting islam everywhere you can. i'll start:
mohammad was a hamster and smelt of elderberries.
let's try another one:
islam is mind control, and it's adherents are brainwashed idiots.
and how about:
religion is at the core of all evil in the world, and islam is amongst the worst religions on the planet.
this is a good one:
fear of muslims is rational because their religion is completely batshit insane.
one more:
religion is the greatest active threat to freedom in the contemporary world and must somehow be abolished. islam must be abolished.
am i going to get a knock on the door? i doubt it.
try it. it's fun.