Tuesday, June 27, 2017


i forgot to fill in my oeptc form with my taxes. i actually kind of vaguely recall not filling it in, and wondering where the form was. it may have been absent from the package. that's a monthly tax credit i get for rent. it cuts my rent down by about $35. combined with the ostc (a sales tax credit), it means i get about $60/month in provincial credits. in my mind, this pays for most of my estrogen prescription. before i increased my dosage, it actually paid for it outright.

i edited the return online; it took a few seconds, and i should have a reassessment within a few weeks.

there's actually an upside to this: they're going to give me the sales tax part of it in a lump sum in mid-july. that's going to be $296. for this month, that will work out a little better, as i have to get $290 to loan sharks on the first. so, that will cancel out. it's also a gst month, which will make up the difference.

it's just empty accounting; i'm expecting that check from my nana, soon. but, this means i won't have to juggle it for a month or two.

the downside is that i'll be getting $25/month less. but, i shouldn't notice that until next year.

they might also correct the issue before the deposit goes through on the....oh, it's actually on the 7th. hrmph. probably not, then.