Tuesday, June 27, 2017

i have three hp/compaq laptops. two of them were given to me. i bought the other one refurbished on a whim, mostly for school. my heavy laptop use was fully circumstantial. they were here, so i used them.

but, i've learned a good lesson, right?

when will i need to be mobile, as an individual? the answer is that i might need to be mobile some time in the distant future, if i ever end up moving to waterloo. waterloo, ontario. there's a good math school there. i'll be old if i ever end up there...

it's so distant.

right now, today, i have no reason to be mobile. if i need to, the vista laptop that i bought refurbished for school will be mobile. and, i'm buying a phone.

what i need, right now, today, is an access point that will let me leave open lots of tabs indefinitely and blow away ram on youtube.

what i need is a cheap desktop with a ton of ram.