Tuesday, June 27, 2017

i bet trudeau would walk out on the country if he got offered an acting job in hollywood. or maybe a tv spot.

that's what he always really wanted.

and, that's basically his job: he's a pretty-boy paid front for corporate lobbyists. he's reagan on the surface, but without the baggage of broken altruism, and instead with the cold cynicism of a clintonian worldview.

i'm just saying that he would probably leave if you offered him a big enough check, and a glossy enough photographer, to follow him around california and take sexy enough shots.

i'm not hinting at anything.

not giving anybody any ideas...

but, i look forward to running against him from the left, and mercilessly tearing him down, as i do.

if i get my way, he will lose in 2019. and i don't even care if that means andrew scheer wins. there's no meaningful difference on any issue i care about that the courts won't act as the only meaningful arbiter of protection on, anyways. there really isn't.