Sunday, July 16, 2017

i'd like to get rid of cemeteries altogether, but if we must have them, i'd prefer to adopt the most efficient allocation of space, and that is surely multi-denominational. so, this "but, christians do it" argument is backwards thinking - the better argument is that christians shouldn't do it, either.

i'd make the same argument about schools. "but, there are catholic schools.". yeah, but there shouldn't be. i'm very strongly in support of abolishing the catholic school system and see that as the preferable solution over the creation of a muslim one.

i think there's a broader point here, though, which is that muslims keep getting voted down. and, i think that may be at the crux of a lot of the problems they have in integrating: the broader society is very quickly secularizing, whereas muslims are (in aggregate) becoming more insular and more religious. it's a recipe for civil conflict.

i don't live there. but, i think this town probably made the choice that is in the best interests of it's residents. that is democracy, and it should be celebrated.