Monday, August 14, 2017

these issues tend to follow conservtive governments, who cut regulations in order to "eliminate red tape" (that is, increase profit). this leads to a giant social outcry, and then either the ndp or the liberals try to rebuild what was destroyed. and, this creates long term damage for the conservatives.

the conservatives in ontario, for example, are still dealing with the memory of the walkerton water tragedy, which was blamed on the government's cost-cutting behaviours. there are people who will avoid voting conservative for the rest of their lives because of this.

canada did go through the same anti-intellectual revolt against logic that the united states went through under reagan, it just happened here in the 00s rather than the 80s. and, we have a lot of work to do in undoing the damage created by the previous government.

unfortunately, it's not going to be the current prime minister that leads the charge on this. let's hope that his successor is a little more pro-active about it.