Monday, September 18, 2017

this is another point that i'm trying to get across, though: a lot of the market estimates are ridiculous.

eight grams a month? given that you can get at least 10 persies on the gram, you'd be smoking 2-3 joints a day.

that's not recreational. that's medicinal. if you're buying stocks based on the idea that the market is going to move 8 grams a month, you're projecting fantasies.

a moderate-to-heavy at-parties only user (aka the market) is going to buy at most one gram of marijuana in your average week. a statistic would probably be something like 0.75 g/week. that's about 3-4 g/week.

most users will smoke about as much as they drink, which is a few times a year. and, they probably rarely pay for it.

and if you know anybody that is smoking 8 g/month - month over month - then you may want to consider getting them counselling, because they have a problem with marijuana addiction.