Wednesday, January 24, 2018

but, what would you do if you were free?

i decided a long time ago that i'd struggle more if i were immortal. it's just the time scale required to adhere to the struggle; it's certainly beyond my projected lifetime, and by several generations.

see, a part of struggling is expecting to spend time in jail, and in the court procedures accompanying imprisonment. immortality becomes a pre-requisite for this to be a valid use of existence, as even the slightest amount of time forfeited is horrendously wasted in any situation of mortality. i'm on the opposite side of marx' criticism of christianity; now that i see myself in the mirror, i can't be bothered to waste my time on this earth struggling.

immortality is a complicated factor to throw into the struggle, though. it both opens up a vacuum of power, as imprisonment is merely a delay, and deeply complicates the moral questions around capital punishment, as to end a life that would otherwise not end is a much more profound crime than to end a life that would otherwise end, anyways. premature death is less grave than death in the absence of the inevitability of it. at least, it must be to anybody that contemplates the matter - although many would no doubt not even bother to do as much as that. the state is rather faced with a more stark question around terminating irresolvable problem cases, but that would be exactly what it would label those who struggle. rather, one might hope that human immortality does not precede distributive justice, so that once the struggle enters the immortal plane it is primarily academic and enacted bureaucratically.

unfortunately, i expect to be limited by the bounds of mortality for the tenure of my existence. but, realizing the futility of existence means realizing the irrelevance of the chains we are enslaved with, for they do not actually exist, except in our minds. it's too hard to control us physically, so they brainwash us instead. and, this method of control is remarkably successful! but, it comes with some dead weight, because the plebs that figure it out have nothing holding them back, or in place.

because we're mortal, and the chains are not real, we don't need to struggle - we can just ignore the fact that we're slaves. and, we can get away with it, because the infrastructure to keep us in line is too expensive to bother with, because we're not a threat to the system anyways - we're not struggling.

so, what would you do if you were free?

then, do it.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.